I Have Never Had A Break Or Flare Like This. It’s So Bad All Over My Body And My Scalp My Hair Is Falling Out. I Take A Biologic For Asthma
Thank you for the help
I will try it. I am going to get my hair cut tomorrow I in tears but I huge balad spots. I’m going to be praying 🙏🏼 for you as well
I'm in the same boat.prayers to you
The only suggestion I can give is talk to your doctor about other possible treatments that can best manage your condition.
I am also in the same boat, as far as it being on the scalp and significant and rapid hair loss. My current flare up caused a faux hawk haircut for me..which at first was hard but I love it now and it’s grown out a bit. During one flare up years ago, I had to cut 13 inches off and it was so short there was no curl and my hair is naturally crazy curly! I tell you this to remind you that you aren’t alone and are supported! It takes an especially hard toll on us women when it attacks our hair and outer appearance significantly. I have found that going to a stylist that has some knowledge of it and is also creative in cuts helps tremendously! I found one and it’s help me and she has been able to be more “conservative” in the amount she has to cut. When I was convinced I would have to shave my head, she reassured me we weren’t to that point and gave me an amazing cut that hides all the bald spots! I’m sending you so much love and so many prayers. 😍
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