00:00:00:01 - 00:00:19:27
Psoriasis is not a bad thing after all, I would say. It's just helping me learn a lot more about myself, and I sort of twist it in that aspect to make it a positive thing in my life that I have to adjust to and not something negative. Some of the invisible symptoms that I've had to deal with are dry skin, itchiness, and fatigue,
00:00:19:27 - 00:00:43:27
And in regards to feeling fatigued, slow it down. That's your body just telling you to take a beat and go out for a walk. Stress is a really, really big factor in psoriasis, so if you just learn to listen to your body and adapt to it, maybe journal it. Get to know what foods trigger you. Get to know what lotions, moisturizers are going to feel better on your skin.
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Go shopping. Look at ingredients. Find the best moisturizer that's going to suit you. Being diagnosed with psoriasis isn't something that should hold us back or make us feel uncomfortable. Don't feel discouraged. There's a lot of us out there that have it, and reach out to any community just like this one.
Zailee Madrigal has had psoriasis all her life. After learning about the lack of education and resources for people with psoriasis in her Hispanic community, she became passionate about sharing her story with psoriasis and helping others living with the condition.
Watch Zailee’s video to learn her top three tips for coping with psoriasis symptoms.
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A MyPsoriasisTeam Member
I'm Dominican 🇩🇴 and this is soo true
I didn't know about psoriasis till it started happening to me 😞
I'm driving myself crazy cause nothing has worked
The only thing that helps a little is… read more
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